
Been awhile

Hello to everyone. I apologize for not writing for some time, but we did not have a whole lot to write about. However, there have been some new developments in the last week. First, my amazing husband has gotten 8 more hours a week at the vet clinic he's been working at. While this may only be a temporary job through the end of the year, we're so thankful for the invaluable experience he's getting through this opportunity. In addition to the 8 more hours at the vet clinic, he also has another job interview. This job is at PetCo. as a groomer's assistant. If he works there for 6 months, they'll train him for free to be a certified groomer, which will open up more doors for him as well. I'm so proud of how hard he's been looking for a job and we're so thankful for God's blessings.

As far as Danelle, I am still enjoying being a nanny for 4 busy boys. They're ages are 7, almost 6, and 1 year old twins. The big boys just started school today (Thursday) so my job just got a bit easier. I have also decided on going to Union University so that I will be able to get my teacher's certification, which is much more complicated than I thought. I hope to start at Union in February. Arm and I are also starting to work with the youth group at Lifepoint Church. The youth pastor really wants to begin a student leadership team and has asked me to assist him since I have had experience on a student leadership team. Pray that God will give us wisdom on what kind of team to develop for this group so that the students will be able to grow.

Arm and I would like to thank all of you for all the love we have recieved since we've moved back to the states. This transition has been very easy for Arm and a lot of it is because of how great everyone has been in accepting him and treating him like an old friend or even family. We are truly blessed.