
Airport take over photo blog

Okay, before you get worried that I went here, calm down. My American friend went and took these pictures. I was thinking about going, but my fiance told me no. My American friend said he didn't feel in danger at all and I'm not worried about the protestors, however those who don't like the protestors could cause more problems. However, whenever there's been something bad, it's between 2am-4am, so going earlier wouldn't be a problem. However, my fiance still says no and it's not something that's vital, so I'm being good :D. It was interesting to hear my friend talking about it. Do I agree with them taking over the airport? Nope, but I do think it was an amazingly executed mission. However, it's hurting Thailand a lot and I wonder if it's worth it. Keep praying.


Protests in Bangkok

Hello to everyone in the states. If you've been watching CNN, you've no doubt seen some disturbing pictures and videos as well as heard disturbing reports. First, I want to assure you that I am okay. Second, I would like to ask for your prayers. Tensions are definitely rising here and honestly everyone is stuck. In the eyes of other countries, anything the Thai government does is bad. If the military steps in and restores complete order through whatever force is necessary, they will look like a harsh military and similar to a dicatorship. If they allow things to continue, it will probably end in a coup which means Thailand will have had 2 coups in 2 years and cause many people to question Thailand's government's control over the people.

I think the PAD is stepping on going too far, and some wonder what they're actually fighting for. They want to change the current way of government. Due to vote buying, there really isn't a democracy in Thailand because all of the politicians are VERY rich. They are millionares by American standards. There are so many people outside of Bangkok who will take a little money and vote for whoever gave them the money for there to be actual democracy. Yet, the PAD wants a partial democracy. I don't think this sort of power in anyone's hands is a good move. There are no checks and balances in Thailand as there are in America, so that means a politician can remain in power as long as his money lasts, which for many of these people could be the rest of their lives and their sons lives. The PAD will not rest until there is a new form of government that controls those who are in office by having them appointed, not elected. Well, not all of them elected.

The military is trying to stay out of it and promises there will not be a coup. The government is currently running around saying they'll meet in one place and then changing the location so they are making the PAD run around to different places, when in reality the government is not meeting there. There have been some bombs and some gunfire, which is why I'm asking for your prayers. While I don't feel any of the tension in my life and life is pretty much continuing as normal, it's obvious things are getting more tense. Do I think it will interfere with my life or if I'm in danger? No. I simply stay away from the problem areas and Arm makes sure I don't do anything crazy. haha. Yet, we are in the middle of a major power struggle and the Thai way (so they don't lose face) is to dig their heels in and not give up. So, we could be at a standoff for some time because no one wants to give up and lose face.

Please pray for this situation. I will be talking with some of my Thai friends again to find out what their opinion is about all of this, but for the most part the Thais as a whole are sick of it. Many feel the PAD is making Thailand look bad and they should stop, but they don't like the government either. Ah, life in another country.

Royal Funeral

There has not been a lot of exciting things going on lately, but one thing that was interesting was the princess' funeral. This is the king's sister. She died on January 2, 2008 (yes, 2008) and they just cremated her about 2 weeks ago. They did this for 2 reasons. One reason was to let people come and pay their respects, but the 2nd reason is one that I found interesting. They didn't want the princess' funeral to be just anywhere, so they built a huge area (the pictures below) just for the princess' funeral. Then, at the end of this month, they will tear it down. This structure costed over $9 million. The Thai people really know how to show respect to those who should have it.

Do I think it's a little crazy that they spent this much money on this area that will only be up for 1 month? From my American point of view, yes. However, the royal family is HIGHLY respected and when it comes to the royal family, there is nothing but the best. But how much more should we be giving God all of our respect and devotion to God who is living forever and continually working in the world and in us and our work for Him will never die. These were my thoughts while watching everything that was going on. The Thai people can teach me so much.


Been awhile :D

Hello to all! It has been quite awhile, but it seems after my crazy vacation, things are calming down and getting into more of a routine. I can not express how wonderful it was to be with family again! I don't even think I realized how much I missed them until I got on the bus to leave again. I missed them a lot for a few days after, but realized that this is my home now. I think God prepared me in many ways for this, but one of those ways was not growing up close to family and not living in a family where we expected to live close together our whole lives. There are many days it is hard, but God in continually teaching me to cherish the moments we have together and be thankful for all He's given me when I'm not with my family. It's also comforting to know He's provided me with a church family that truely acts like a family. My church has been a blessing in so many ways since I've been in Bangkok.

Since I've returned, I've been teaching again. Praise God that I am teaching some of my same students and my old students keep coming around and talking to me. One of my old students described me like her sister today and said that I'm easy to talk to. She loves coming up to me and giving me a hug. Please pray for Jan and Pin as they continually come and talk to me at least 2 times a week. There are many other students as well. I am trying to build relationships with my English majors as it seems like they are the ones who keep coming around. Pray that God will give me wisdom with them.

Enjoy the pictures of my family and I while we were in Hong Kong and visiting my brother. Until next time :D.