
Practicing Evangelizing

Arm's been doing a great job with his "Growth Group". It's a group of students who have come to Christ within the last year. He taught them about the Bible and who Jesus is so that they'll know their faith and what they believe well so they can communicate and share with other people. Now, this past term he moved towards sharing with friends and people around them. He's taught them how to share the gospel and how to ask people if there's anything they can pray for.

The pictures below are from the students I was with. I'm sorry they're not close up, but I didn't want to scare the people the students were hanging out with.

Nicky and Ple were playing basketball with three other kids and I sat down and talked with their mom. Sadly, there weren't a lot of people in the park because it had rained. However, we simply wanted to build a relationship, so the students played basketball while I made small talk with the kids mom.

I did ask the mother if there was anything I could pray for her about (in Thai), but she thought I was asking her to convert to Christianity. I explained to her that I simply wanted to help her by praying for her and that I was not asking her to be a Christian and explained what it meant to pray, but I didn't want to push her to share things with me. We spent about 30-40 minutes with these people. We hope to see them again as they come often.

This is the second time these students did this. They went to Kasetsart University the week before to do this as well. It has given the students more confidence in sharing their faith and God has used Arm to equip these students to share their faith clearly and well.

This week, we're going to a camp from the 22-24. Several churches are going on one camp together, so it will be a good time. Will post pictures and information when we get back. Then, from the 25-27/28, Arm and I will be on vacation at a place called Lake Heaven. We're excited about it! Our bungaloo floats on the water and Arm's looking forward to fishing. There's also kayaks and other activities for us to do. It will be nice to get out of the city and enjoy the good deal we got on a fun vacation :D.

May God bless you all and we thank you for your encouragement and support. Feel free to drop us notes and updates about you as we LOVE reading them!


Growing family

No, I'm not pregnant. haha. Arm and I just bought a new puppy! He's a Thai Ridgeback and his name is Duke.

Yes, we're taking him to the states. We're also going to buy a girl dog so that we can breed and sell them in the states. We figured it would be a way to make some extra money.

He's a really good dog and he's great with the family's kids who are taking care of him right now. Since we're in an apartment, we had to keep him at a friend's house until we go to the states. However, we visit him twice a day and take good care of him.

He doesn't bark much and he finally made friends with the beagle. It took 2 days, but now they play well. It's so much fun to see him run up to me when I go through the door. He's 2 months old and he'll be a pretty big dog when he's full grown, but not like a German Shepherd. Looking forward to many of you meeting him when we come to the states. I'll post pictures of the girl dog when we get her too. I never had a puppy before, so this is fun :D.

Also, since my birthday is on Oct. 3, Arm's sister's b-day is on Oct. 4, and his dad's b-day is on Oct. 6, I made a cake and we took it to his parents house to celebrate. Sadly, our camera battery died right when they were about to blow out the candles, but I have pictures of the cake. It turned out better than I expected.


Birthday Fun!

For my 26th birthday, we had chocolate chip pancakes at home and then Arm surprised me by taking me to the tallest tower in Bangkok for a late buffet lunch. Needless to say, we didn't have supper haha.

This is a view from our table. We could see all of Bangkok from the restaurant.

Arm's ready to eat! American steak, Japanese sushi and soup, Italian pizza and pasta, and Thai food. YUM.

I'm ready to start too.

Arm's sweet parents surprised me with a beautiful watch for my birthday!

This is a miniture picture of the building we ate in. We were on the 78th floor.

Arm's posing with a guardian giant. It's a mythological Thai creature and they're built to guard temples.

I've never ridden in one of these on the street, but it's fun to pose in them. All of these pictures were taken on the floor below the restaurant.

Then, we went outside on the revolving observatory deck to see all of Bangkok. Thankfully it didn't rain!

I love this guy!

After lunch, we walked around a good bit and bought a piece of cake from the best place in Bangkok, Secret Recipie. We decided on a fruity cake since we were full and didn't want anything too sweet.

This year I was shown once again how much God has blessed me in Thailand and how many things I have to be thankful for, especially for my husband. He keeps me laughing and helps me so much. I'm so thankful for him. I can't wait for everyone in the states to meet him!!! May God bless you all as we count our blessings and remember His faithfulness once again.